What are the pros and cons of sending your kid to boarding school in Gurgaon?

Choosing and sending your child to best boarding school in Gurgaon is one double edge sword. It is an imperative but a difficult decision to come by and stay strong upon. However, for many families, it is not a choice but a compulsion.
  • There are three types of children entering into boarding schools in Gurgaon-
    • Children who have an option between boarding schools and local public schools
    • Expat and NRI family children don’t have an option but to enter international boarding schools in Gurgaon.
    • Children facing a lack of public and private regular school option due to the standard of education.
  • Parents are more than required to consider many different factors before landing on boarding school option.
  • These schools offer the children world-class facilities of international standard that is accessible to boarding children along with school facilities.
  • Another benefit is mixing with different cultural and ethnic group of children.
  • This helps to increase cultural tolerance in students as they grow.
  • Children can come from local families, expats or foreign nationals from all across the world.
Once the child and parents both embrace the fact they are going to enter into top boarding schools they will start to accept and probably enjoy the manner of learning in these schools. The students, however, need to be aware of both Pros and Cons of the boarding schools. 
Boarding School in Gurgaon


Boarding school in Gurgaon accord distinct and unique benefits, which are not available with many other school platforms. Some are as follows -

One-of-the-kind educational opportunities

Education facilities and options students gain in boarding schools are quite different. They are more focused and disciplined in terms of both class and homework.

Set standards are maintained

Most of the boarding schools in Gurgaon are presiding for a long time. They have their own set of traditions and standards which make them unique. Thus, they ensure all the old traditions and standards are carried forward along with new trends of education.    

Community encouraging learning

Children who enter top boarding schools of India, particularly metro cities like Gurgaon, garner the privilege to enter into a close community of learners. This community inculcates and encourages learning of both academics and on-field education.
There are some more small but beneficial options for children to enter boarding schools in Gurgaon of their choice:
1.      Global presence
2.      Inculcates self-discipline
3.      Textbook learning and outside classroom education
4.      Complete social and personality development
5.      Experienced mentors ensure holistic learning
6.      Encourages responsibility and integration with other culture


There is no hiding the fact that every category of school has its own list of demerits. Common cons of boarding school in Gurgaon are not long but certainly there.

An expensive option in comparison

When compared with education expenses of private and public education, boarding schools in Gurgaon come on the upper level of the expenses. Despite both board and room being included in fees, many parents may not be able to afford best for their children.

Bullying and other related factors

There is a rise in bullying faced by younger lot in boarding schools. Many children who come from the richer background or are in upper classes try to dominate younger and newer lots even in top boarding schools. In such case encourage your child to speak to boarding staff and their floor advisors.

Moving from the comfort zone

It is not easy to leave the comfort zone of home environment and step into the everyday challenges of top boarding schools in Gurgaon. Many are not able to cope with this change and face issues in adapting to the new surroundings. This is one of the main causes when children do not get prepared at home for the same. Parents should focus on getting their children ready mentally for a boarding environment before sending them away.

Once both parents and children go through the benefits and disadvantages boarding schools pose, they will be able to make an informed decision. The first step is to accept the idea of boarding education. If this is not accepted no matter how good your chosen boarding school in Gurgaon is, your child will not be happy. So making the combined decision with approval from children is highly imperative for successful learning and fewer tears in the future.


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  5. Thanks for sharing this comprehensive list of Top Boarding Schools in Gurgaon
    ! It's a great resource for parents who want the best education for their kids.


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